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Cassie Craddock (Ripple Europe): "We want to provide an end-to-end infrastructure for financial institutions."
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Cassie Craddock (Ripple Europe): "We want to provide an end-to-end infrastructure for financial institutions."
Jonathan Levin (Chainalysis): "We need to be able to anticipate and prevent fund losses".
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Jonathan Levin (Chainalysis): "We need to be able to anticipate and prevent fund losses".
Jérôme de Tychey: "My proposals for the Ethereum Foundation".
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Jérôme de Tychey: "My proposals for the Ethereum Foundation".
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The Big Talk
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Jérôme de Tychey: "My proposals for the Ethereum Foundation".
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Nicolas Bacca: "We've invented a unique organizational model for intervening in cryptocurrency ransomware"
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Varun Paul (Fireblocks): "Institutional adoption of cryptos will happen within 5 years".
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Matthew Edelen (Spire Labs): "Based Rollups are the solution for increasing ETH's value".
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Lukas Schor (Safe): "We want to create a decentralized equivalent of Visa".
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Adeniyi Abiodun (Mysten Labs): "We're building something bigger than Ethereum"
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Mo Shaikh (Aptos Labs): "We have surpassed the capabilities of Visa, Mastercard and American Express".
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Colas Gabriac (Sia Partners): "AI agents hold great promise for better investment management"
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Rand Hindi (Zama): "The amounts of your transactions and your on-chain balance can be encrypted and made invisible".
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Pierre Person (Usual Labs): "This episode does not call into question the solid foundations of Usual".
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Jørgen Ouaknine (Euroclear): "We are very much in demand from crypto players".
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Joseph Lubin (ConsenSys): "I've always believed that companies and states would embrace cryptos"
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Eliézer Ndinga (21Shares): "Family offices have never been so active in cryptos"
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Paul-Adrien Hyppolite (Spiko): "Tokenized money funds are a safer form of stablecoin"
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Rune Christensen (Sky): "USDS captures both DeFi and TradFi returns".
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Paul Frambot (Morpho Labs): "Aave is a bank, whereas Morpho is an infrastructure for banks".
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Mario Stephan (MSF): "Staking is a very interesting alternative financing model".
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Karl Chappe-Gatien (High Stakes Capital): "DEX like Hyperliquid will gain in popularity".
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Yorick de Mombynes: "Trump contributes to the rise of Bitcoin but saws off the branch he's sitting on"
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Cristiano Ventricelli (Moody's): "There should be a rating system for blockchain-related risks"
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Salvador, BlackRock, Worldcoin... Interview with Cryptio, one of the leaders in crypto auditing
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Côme Prost-Boucle (Coinbase): "Having Coinbase in France is excellent news for the whole ecosystem".
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Jean-Baptiste Graftieaux (Bitstamp): "We're going to launch a fully regulated derivatives offering".
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Stéphanie Cabossioras (Binance France): "Crypto players need to obtain approval fairly quickly".
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Paul Grewal (Coinbase): "The context is becoming much more favorable in the United States".
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Joseph Lubin: "European regulators are smarter than the rest".
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Regulation, Europe, Binance... Exclusive interview with Faustine Fleuret (Adan)
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Cassie Craddock (Ripple Europe): "We want to provide an end-to-end infrastructure for financial institutions."
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Jonathan Levin (Chainalysis): "We need to be able to anticipate and prevent fund losses".
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Evan Auyang (Animoca Brands): "The arrival of the Trump Administration makes the United States a new priority for us"
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Martin Köppelmann (Gnosis Pay): "Revolut is a kind of model for us".
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Jérôme de Tychey (Cometh): "Yields up to five times higher than those of banks".
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Thomas Klocanas (BlockTower): "Trump's arrival has changed everything for crypto in the US"
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Gillian Lynch (Gemini): "We've arrived in France at the best possible time".
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Alexandre Laizet (The Blockchain Group): "In a way, we're Europe's MicroStrategy".
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Diederik van Wersch (Chainalysis): "Adoption is not just measured by the price of bitcoin".
Other formats
The Big Analysis
The Big News
Open Editorial
The Big Focus
Cassie Craddock
Clément Peace
Jonathan Levin
Florent Vallon
Alexandre Hermand
Evan Auyang
Arnaud Touati
Nicolas Bacca
Martin Köppelmann
Clement Peace
Jørgen Ouaknine
Pierre Person
Varun Paul
Matthew Edelen
Matthew Hoffer
Francois-Xavier Thoorens
Lukas Schor
Eliézer Ndinga
Lukas Schor
Adeniyi Abiodun
Mo Shaikh
Thomas Klocanas
Elon Musk
Yanis Mekhfi
Karl Chappe-Gatien
Martin Bruncko
Colas Gabriac
Jean Meyer
Hugo Finkestein
Gillian Lynch
Mathew McDermott
Alexandre Laizet
Nicolas Liochon
Rand Hindi
Stéphanie Lheureux
Shayne Coplan
Donald Trump
Paul-Adrien Hyppolite
Yorick de Mombynes
Guillaume de la Tour
Diederik van Wersch
Gaël Courrège
Rune Christensen
Clarisse Hagège
Pierre d'Ormesson
Jérôme de Tychey
John Collison
Patrick Collison
Mario Stephan
Sami Chlagou
Antoine Scalia
Chelsea Manning
Alexis Roussel
Sébastien Gouspillou
Edouard Steegmann
Colborn Bell
Alexander Tsydenkov
Nicolas Duvinage
Émeric de Vigan
Inna Modja
Eli Ben-Sasson
Luc Falempin
Michael Amar
Sreeram Kannan
Côme Prost-Boucle
William Bailey
Jan Gorzny
Mike Silagadze
Marc Tillement
Christian Rau
Jonathan Schemoul
Philippe Meyer
Charles d'Haussy
Arthur Breitman
Jai Prasad
Nicolas Consigny
Nicolas Liochon
Sankha Banerjee
TN Lee
Chintan Turakhia
Vaibhav Chellani
Christiano Ventricelli
Haseeb Qureshi
Mark Kepeneghian
Deep Shah
Alexia Jordan
Marcin Kazmierczak
Abdel Bakhta
Jesse Pollak
Paolo Ardoino
Sébastien Dérivaux
Francis Pouliot
Arthur Hayes
Joseph Lubin
David Princay
Dante Disparate