Sébastien Dérivaux (Steakhouse Financial): "DeFi makes tools accessible that were reserved for institutional users".

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Sébastien Dérivaux (Steakhouse Financial): "DeFi makes tools accessible that were reserved for institutional users".

As part of our series devoted to 'DeFi pioneers', we spoke to Sébastien Dérivaux, an active member of the MakerDAO community and co-founder of Steakhouse Financial.

Although discreet, this Frenchman is a key figure in the decentralised finance (DeFi) ecosystem. Through Steakhouse Financial, he puts his expertise at the service of DAOs and businesses, with a specialism in RWAs (Real World Assets). He is also one of the main curators of the lending and borrowing protocol Morpho.

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"One of the great strengths of DeFi is that it democratises access to tools such as swaps, previously reserved for institutions in traditional finance. This gives retail investors more options," he explains.

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