Alexandre Stachtchenko

Alexandre Stachtchenko

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The excesses of financial supervision threaten our democracies

The excesses of financial supervision threaten our democraciesThe excesses of financial supervision threaten our democracies
Friday, May 17, 2024
The excesses of financial supervision threaten our democracies
In a lengthy article, Paymium's Director of Strategy discusses the conviction of developer Alexey Pertsev (Tornado Cash) and the threat it poses to civil liberties.

Bitcoin: a counter-intuitive solution to climate change

Bitcoin: a counter-intuitive solution to climate changeBitcoin: a counter-intuitive solution to climate change
Tuesday, May 2, 2023
Bitcoin: a counter-intuitive solution to climate change
Pour Alexandre Stachtchenko, cofondateur de Blockchain Partner, la première cryptomonnaie de la planète a notamment l’avantage d’être en quantité limitée, donc déflationniste...