Total cryptocurrency volume
The Historical Total Cryptocurrency Volume chart displays total daily trading volume for all cryptocurrencies over time. It provides a clear view of overall market activity and illustrates trends in terms of trading intensity and liquidity.
How to read the graph
This chart is invaluable for identifying patterns of market behavior, including periods of increased activity, corrections or sustained growth. By analyzing volume trends, it offers insights into the relationship between trading behavior, market sentiment and overall liquidity in the cryptocurrency space.
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The Historical Total Cryptocurrency Volume chart displays total daily trading volume for all cryptocurrencies over time. It provides a clear view of overall market activity and illustrates trends in terms of trading intensity and liquidity.
How to read the graph
This chart is invaluable for identifying patterns of market behavior, including periods of increased activity, corrections or sustained growth. By analyzing volume trends, it offers insights into the relationship between trading behavior, market sentiment and overall liquidity in the cryptocurrency space.