Staking: future prospects and expected innovations

Every month, we organize exclusive events bringing together Web3 companies and institutions.

Coinbase, Kraken, Ethereum... The practice of staking has become an essential pillar of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. As traditional mining methods become increasingly complex and energy-intensive, staking is emerging as a viable, environmentally-friendly alternative.

Although the protocols differ, the ultimate goal remains similar: to secure the network, receive rewards and strengthen one's position in the world of digital assets.

The growing popularity of staking, illustrated by the anticipation of Ethereum's move to Proof of Stake, is undeniable. Today, almost 23% of tokens in the second-largest crypto-currency are staked.

To shed some light on this fast-growing dynamic, we are delighted to invite you to an exclusive breakfast on February 1, at 8:30 am. On the program: enriching exchanges and a round-table discussion led by experts in the field.

We'll be welcoming you at 14 avenue de Trudaine, on the premises of Kiln, the French leader in institutional staking and sponsor of this year's event.

Attending this breakfast will give you the opportunity to :

  • Meet specialists in the crypto industry

  • Deepen your knowledge of staking mechanisms

  • Expand your professional network and identify opportunities for collaboration

As with every edition, the number of places is strictly limited.

Our partners for this edition


Big Fish

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Big Fish Sponsors

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The 2024 jury

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This event takes place at Kiln, the staking platform for businesses.

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1.2.2024 8:30



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